Three Things for This Weekend

1 - Breakfast in Bed

It doesn’t matter if you have to get up and cook it, but bring it back to bed. Treat this like a mini planning station for putting your favorite errands on the weekend docket.

2 - Take a Hike

Seriously, take a hike or brisk walk early in the morning–just get up and move! If you don’t want to be at one with nature, then do some jumping jacks to kickstart your metabolism and increase your heart rate.

3 - Plan a Spa Night

Pour yourself a cool glass of water and add sliced cucumbers or lemon wedges. Or, make yourself a hot cup of herbal tea. Soak your feet. (That hike or walk was good, right?) Do a salt scrub on your feet. Or, take a warm bath before bed and know that you made time to care for yourself and prep for a good sleep.

photo: dane tashima


Mending…A Skill from The Past